Singing Guide: Once: The Stage Musical

Singing Guide: Once: The Stage Musical

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Once is a stage musical based on the 2007 Irish independent film Once. The musical features the music and lyrics by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová and a book by Enda Walsh, who also serves as its director.

The lead performer in the musical is required to sing, but not necessarily in a traditional singing voice, as emphasized in the film's naturalistic style. This makes the music both original and authentic. It’s important to convey emotion while singing, since this is a central theme throughout the musical.

The lead performer must also play an instrument during the performance along with other cast members. This requirement puts the performer in the position of having to sing and focus on the instrument simultaneously, which has the potential to cause issues with pitch accuracy. To overcome this, it's important to master breathing techniques and vocal exercises to help stabilize pitch.

It's essential for Once performers to study their specific vocal range through Singing Carrots' Vocal range test. By taking the test, you can find a suitable key and know which songs to practice, which ultimately helps to improve your vocal agility. The Pitch accuracy test can also help with this, since pitch is critical to convey the emotions of the songs.

To help with vocal technique, we recommend “How to analyze your voice”, “Breathing basics”, and “Breath support” - all three articles can improve your breathing control and vocal technique. When it comes to posture, Singing Carrots' article on “How posture affects your singing” is an excellent resource.

Once aficionados who want to learn more about the musical's musical numbers should visit Singing Carrots' “Song search” resource. It’s an excellent tool for discovering songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Once enthusiasts can not only discover songs within their range but also gain the necessary vocal agility to perform them by utilizing Singing Carrots' pitch training technology and exercises.

Singing Carrots' educational singing course covers singing theory and practical tips. You can learn more about the nuances of vocal technique by taking this course.

Once is an emotionally driven musical, so it’s essential to have professional growth statistics; practice regularly and hard. “Tips for performing on stage”, “How to overcome stage fright”, and “Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking” by Singing Carrots are excellent resources on maximising your emotions and mental state during the performance.

Finally, Once enthusiasts can fine-tune their chest voice by studying Singing Carrots' excellent article on “Chest Voice Explained”, which offers practical tips on how to master your chest voice for more power and control during performances.

Now, prospective performers, start practicing and good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.